
The Laboratory of Public Policy and Educational Planning, is an interdisciplinary research center specialized in the study, research and evaluation of education and public policies that aims planning jointwork in the areas of teaching, research and extension in the Department of Policy, Administration and Educational Systems of the Faculty of Education at the University of Campinas, UNICAMP, São Paulo, Brazil.

Since 1993 LaPPlanE, brings researchers, teachers, graduated and post-graduated students, as well as professionals who combine academic training with different experiences in planning, administration, evaluation and training in diferent institutions and organizations; we also participate in research projects related to the analysis and evaluation of public policies and educational planning with policy implementation interfaces.

The main lines of research are:

- Educational planning and education administration;

- Analysis and evaluation of policies and educational programs.

- Analysis of educational projects and participatory school management.

National and international compared studies of educational policy compared LaPPlanE's studies and research carried out  various types of educational planning and policy analysis, in the three spheres of government (federal, provincial and municipal)  and other institutional patterns for the production and supply of educational services.

The laboratorie performance in recent years through individual oriented postgraduate students research  and group research, contributed to the production of knowledge about:

- the state of the art of educational planning and administration;

- the development of methodologies for analysis and evaluation of policies;

- the evaluation of vocational training policies through governmental and non-governmental agencies;

- national and international comparative analysis of educational systems.

In addition to its research activities, the laboratory also acts in the municipal, state and federal levels of education, and in the formation/capacitation of educational leaders in the dissemination of methodologies of strategic planning in public agencies and nongovernmental organizations.

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